Smart City

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Municipalities are under tremendous pressure to continually deliver citizens’ need for a clean, healthy and safe city. To match the global standards of basic amenities such as clean drinking water, proper waste management, adequate power supply and healthcare, city administrations are under constant financial strain. For a city to be smart, it must have a robust revenue collection system. Many cities, unfortunately, lack means to collect and analyze real time data of existing and emerging buildings and associated utility services, resulting in poor revenue collection. Think of a smart solution that helps city administrators take viable decisions easily through hyperlocal data collection, automatic updates and sophisticated reports and infographics. Think of SmartMu.

At the core of a smart city, lies a strong and intelligent revenue management system. Transerve’s SmartMu helps pragmatic municipalities in transcending to smarter cities through its expertise in collecting and analyzing residential and commercial property data, critical to city tax planning and resource management.

Better Administration. Smarter Cities

Cloud Services
Access your data anytime from anywhere. We make the data available to you 24×7. Say no to files on your shelf.

Data Safety
Keep your data safe and secure on cloud. We use Go Daddy cloud services for keeping your data online.

Hyperlocal Data
Collect data door to door. Go Hyper local and take control of your city services.

Well Documentation
Document the cities taxation process. Say no to files in shelf’s and keep track of the tax collection.

Free Support
Enjoy our support for the Premium service. We support our customers and partners in the time of need through phone, emails and documentation.

Map Integration
Integrate your data with maps and pictures. Make your data speak more with attributes. Make GIS part of your process.



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